Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Christian novels for $5.00

My friend, freelance writer Katie Hart, is selling off some of her vast collection of Christian fiction titles---for $5.00 each, including shipping. Can't beat that.

Visit Katie's blog for all the details. Here's an excerpt from her post:

...While I don't have time right now to list all the titles I have, why would you want to read through a whole long list anyway? You already know what books you want to read, and if you're looking for more, a quick browse through should yield a large wish list. Send me your wish list - theloneislands at

I'll go through my books and zap you back a list of what titles I have from your list. Chose them all or just some, and I'll confirm that I have them reserved for you (first come, first serve!) and send you your total. Pay me via PayPal, and I'll mail them out! Buy ten books and get your 11th one free!

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