Sunday, May 18, 2008

Writing Resource: Random Name Generator

Ever struggled to find the perfect name for your character? Struggle no more. The Random Name Generator is coming to the rescue!

Say I'm looking for a male name, not too obscure. With a push of a button I have these suggestions:

1. Allan Gately
2. Hugh Dignan
3. Allan Addy
4. Allan Sinner
5. Jamie Teer
6. Clinton Bonet
7. Javier Gallogly
8. Ted Vanwingerden
9. Jessie Hosler
10. Nelson Proehl

Allan Addy??? :)

Check it out here and have fun.


Anonymous said...

Usually Allan would have only one "l", unless it was Allen. I like the name "Allen Early". Or "Alan Early".

Anonymous said...

So *that's* where the names are coming from on all my spam emails!