Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Become a Book Reviewer for Thomas Nelson

Today at his blog From Where I Sit, Michael Hyatt (President & CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers), unveiled their new website just for book review bloggers. This is an intriguing concept -- #1 that Thomas Nelson is seeing such a potential in bloggers, #2 because there are some great incentives here to review their books. Here are three as outlined in Michael's post:

If you are a blogger, this new site has at least three benefits:

  1. Free copies of our best books. We will send you a free copy of the book you are interested in reviewing. In addition, after you have requested a review copy, we will email you a PDF of the first two chapters so you can immediately get started. Meanwhile, we will drop a physical copy of the book in the mail.

  2. Content resources for your blog. We will provide you with free resources to use in your review. These include things like cover art, video or audio clips (when available), external links to other related items, etc. Frankly, this is the part of the site that we need to expand upon the most.

  3. External links to your blog. We will provide a link back to the your actual review of the book. As you may know, external links are what drive up your blog’s ranking on Google. In general, the more links the better.
And here's what they require of you after you request a book:

Bloggers must agree to write a 200-word review—good, bad, or ugly—and post it on their blog and on the Amazon detail page for that book.

I'd say that's a great deal, since most of us already write reviews of the books we read anyway. If you're interested in participating, there are several great books (fiction and nonfiction) being offered. Check out the site today!

1 comment:

Bonnie Way aka the Koala Mom said...

I've signed up! I already review most of the books that I read on my blog, so this sounds like a great opportunity to get more books to read! :) And I am also intrigued at how blogs are being used in marketing...