Anyone interested in entering your novel in this year's contest, be sure to check out the just posted details here!
Here are some excerpts from the write-up:
..."A story of two sisters separated after the death of their parents — one growing up to become a Christian, the other running off and making poor choices — is a concept that will appeal to our core audience," says Tyndale senior fiction acquisitions editor Jan Stob. "The fact that one runs a ranch and the other works for a collector of rare books only serves to make the characters more interesting."
...Darlington began working on the story when she was 15. At age 23 she submitted it to the first Operation First Novel contest in 2004, placing as a semifinalist. " Over the next four years, I tweaked and revised," she says.
..."C.J. has been most kind to me and my work through her website," says Jerry B. Jenkins , "so it was particularly gratifying to know that I had judged her winning work without knowing who wrote it. The finalists all come to me without names attached, so I was as thrilled as she to learn she had won."
Read the full piece here.
Oh, CJ, that's so great. I'm so very happy for you! How exciting. I'm glad you're sharing your journey with us!!
Can't wait to read it!! :=)
Do you have to pinch yourself and say, "Jerry Jenkins is talking about me?!?!?!?"
Every day, Christina. Every day. :)
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