Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What's holding you back?

At this time of year most of us start thinking about the future---future goals, future pursuits, future dreams. It can be a great time of reflection, or it can bring us down as we think about all the resolutions we made and didn't keep.

But instead of focusing on what we haven't done, I'd like to ask you a question. What's holding you back from pursuing your dreams? Not just dreams of grandeur, but little things too. Maybe a desire to lose ten pounds. Or to spend more time with family. Perhaps you want to write a novel.

What if we didn't worry so much and dove in with abandon? What would our lives look like a year from now if we took a step out of our comfort zone and did one thing that God's dropped in our hearts?

How many years have you said things like, "Someday I want to _____"? I know I have many of those someday thoughts. Are they really that unattainable? Why wait for your kids to grow up or your hair to turn white before you pursue the things of your heart?

I'm not talking about shirking our responsibilities, of course. Our bills still need to be paid, our families taken care of. But I bet there's something we could pursue that would get us closer to reaching our dreams. Small steps are the key.

Let's not allow fear or what others think be our guides in 2011, but let's give our pursuits to the Lord who knows the exact next step we're supposed to take.

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. --Psalm 32:8

What's your dream for 2011? What tiny step can you take in the coming weeks to get you closer to it?


Tonya said...

I do have an idea for a novel that I always make excuses to start writing. I have to just start writing & stop analyzing everything. I'm also in the proccess of deciding on which electronic would be best for writing when I can't be at my computer & am close to narrowing that down- hope it helps me write more.

I want to take another writing class but truly can't at the moment. Maybe I should set a date on my calendar to re examine if I have the time & mobey available. Like checkups everyonce in awhile till I know it's the time

Judith Briles said...

There are a lot of things that we all want to have in our lives. Often what's holding us back is motivation from ourselves and from the people we love. Sometimes, we might be bombarded by problems that we fail to pursue on what we really want. Still, what is more important is we continue to keep that goal in our hearts and hope that even if right now, we fail to realize it, we still have the chance in the right time. God will never fail us.