Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tweet! Tweet!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Amy Wallace (Advice for Novelists, Part 67)

"If you could say one thing to aspiring novelists, what would you say?"
Amy shares today...
Remember that you are a dearly loved child of the King and no “big break” or anything else will ever alter that truth.
Beyond that, I’ll echo my writing mentor, Mary Griffith. She told me years ago to “bleed into your work” and leave it in the Lord’s hands. And I’ve found her advice spot on. Give everything you are (past, present, hopes for the future, questions, fears, failures, struggles and triumphs) to the Lord and allow Him to use it as you write. If you do that, He’ll breathe life, redemption and hope into your soul and through your stories.
--Amy Wallace, author of Ransomed Dreams & Healing Promises. Visit her online at her website.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
House of Wolves by Matt Bronleewe

To learn more about Matt, check out this in depth interview I conducted with him when Illuminated released.
Here's how my review starts:
We first met rare book scout August Adams in Matt Bronleewe’s novel Illuminated. A purloined Gutenberg Bible sent Adams and his family on the adventure of a lifetime. Now he’s back in House of Wolves, and the rare book du jour is The Gospels of Henry the Lion. Like in Illuminated, this book is real, too. Published in 1188, the title actually sold for 12 million in 1983. No one knows for sure who bought it at the Sotheby auction (a camouflaged military plane was sent from Berlin to collect it), but Matt Bronleewe has penned a novel that gives us his best guess.
Read the full review here.
CFBA blog tour,
House of Wolves,
Matt Bronleewe
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Book of Names by D. Barkley Briggs

and his book:

After losing his wife of 16 years, Briggs decided to tell a tale his four sons could relate to in their own journey through loss. Thus was born The Legends of Karac Tor, a sweeping adventure of four brothers who, while struggling to adjust to life without mom, become enmeshed in the crisis of another world. Along the way they must find their courage, face their pain, and never quit searching for home.
Briggs is remarried to a lovely woman, who previously lost her husband. Together with her four children, their hands are full.
Product Details
List Price: $12.99
Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 397 pages
Publisher: NavPress Publishing Group (July 15, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160006227X
ISBN-13: 978-1600062278
Watch the Trailer:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Merciless by Robin Parrish

Starting with Relentless, continuing with Fearless, and now finishing with Merciless, the Dominion Trilogy has been quite a ride.
Robin Parrish had two great ambitions in his life: to have a family, and to be a published novelist. In March of 2005, he proposed to his future wife the same week he signed his first book contract.
More than ten years he spent writing for various websites, including About.com, CMCentral.com, and Infuze Magazine, which is a unique intersection between art and faith which he also conceived of and created.
One of his more "high concept" ideas for Infuze was to return to his love for storytelling and create a serialized tale that would play out every two weeks, telling a complete, compelling story over the course of nine months. That serialized story eventually came to the attention of several publishers, who saw it as a potential debut novel for Robin Parrish.
In 2005, Bethany House Publishers brought Robin full circle by contracting him for the rights to not only that first book, Relentless -- but two sequels including Fearless and Merciless. A trilogy that unfolded in the consecutive summers of 2006, 2007, and this year, 2008. One massive tale -- of which that first, original story would form only the foundational first volume of the three -- spread across three books.
Robin Parrish is a journalist who's written about pop culture for more than a decade. He and his wife, Karen and son live in North Carolina.
Read my review of Relentless here.
Watch the trailer for Merciless below:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Of Toads and Encylopedias

If our parents had a question about something they had to go look it up in an encyclopedia, and even then there was no guarantee of an answer. What do we do? Hop on over to Google or Wikipedia.
Case in point. Yesterday I had to remove two toads from my yard. My dogs have this fascination with the creatures, and since they can cause irritation to the mucous of a dog's mouth and throwing up if eaten, for everyone's sake (especially the toad) I have to keep my eyes peeled for the little buggers. If I can't see my dogs for more than two minutes, it's time to find out what they've found. Yesterday morning it was a toad. I faithfully picked the toad up and took him/her to the far edge of my yard, depositing it in the field adjoining. All is well.
Or so I thought. Late that night I find my doggies congregating around the same tree roots I'd found the toad nestled inside before. Yep. Another toad. Or was it? Had the same one come back already? Not knowing much about toads, what did I do? Pull out my Encylopaedia Britannica? Page through my World Book?
What, are you kidding? I pulled up a chair at my computer that's what. I typed into Google, "Do toads return to the same place?" Within seconds I was reading an article from a 1934 journal called "The Aquatic Migration of the Toad". Apparently they do indeed return to the same spots, sometimes even the same pond in which they were born to raise their young. Okay . . .
This isn't about toads. I am often amazed at how much information is available at our fingertips. If I have a question, in seconds I can have an answer. (I've recently discovered Yahoo Answers, too. Don't visit if you don't want to waste, er . . . "enjoy" an hour or two fooling around.)
Certainly not everything you find online is going to be accurate. But for a writer like me, tracking down one little piece of research has become so much easier.
I better go check my yard again for that toad . . .
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tina Ann Forkner (Advice for Novelists, Part 66)

"If you could say one thing to aspiring novelists, what would you say?"
To read all the entries, click here. Tina's thoughtful response:
Spend as much time as you can in the act writing. Just when you think you are finished, go back and rewrite what you wrote. Then do it all over again.
Also, don’t spend much time trying to promote yourself before you are published. Blogs and the like are great, but the majority of your time should be spent writing your first book and perfecting it. Blogging and premature PR work can really rob a fiction writer of their creative juices pretty quickly. If you must have a blog, then be sure to get your writing in before you blog.
--Tina Ann Forkner, author of Ruby Among Us. Visit her website here.
Advice for novelists,
Tina Ann Forkner,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Book Buzz Meme - I've been tagged!

Mimi and Rel have listed five of their MUST Read novels and five "Keep Your Eyes on These" novels. Then they tagged five bloggers who they asked to post the list on their site. They added one book to each list but also subtracted one book. Finally they tagged five other bloggers, linked here at A Christian Worldview of Fiction, and commented to the post so visitors knew how the list had changed. I'm using Mimi's list since she tagged me first. :) I've also put my added book in italics.
If you aren’t tagged but want to play, copy the 'how to' paragraph above, make your own list of MUST Reads and Keep Your Eyes on These, and tag away. It will be fun to see if we can generate some book wars … uh, I mean, discussions … good, healthy, respectful discussions!
My five MUST Reads:
The Stones Cry Out by Sibella Giorello (Revell)
Demon: a Memoir by Tosca Lee (NavPress)*
Broken Angel by Sigmund Brouwer (WaterBrook)
The Restorer by Sharon Hinck (NavPress)*
Beyond the Reflection's Edge by Bryan Davis (Zondervan)
My five Keep Your Eyes On These:
Feeling for Bones by Bethany Pierce (Moody)
Scarlet by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson (WaterBrook)
DragonLight by Donita K. Paul (WaterBrook Press)*
The Legend of the FireFish by George Bryan Polivka (Harvest House)
The Rivers Run Dry by Sibella Giorello (Thomas Nelson)
Shade by John Olson (B&H)
Field of Blood by Eric Wilson (Thomas Nelson)
Conspiracy in Kiev by Noel Hynd (Zondervan)
Stepping into Sunlight by Sharon Hinck (Bethany)
I'm tagging:
Darcie Gudger at Joy in the Litterbox
WordVixen at Quest to Write
Katie Hart at Writing Christian Novels
Heather Hunt at The View From Stonewater
Jenny B. Jones at her website blog
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Why I've been quiet

I am very pleased to announce the new and improved TitleTrakk.com website is now live. We hope you enjoy it. This week we're featuring my interview with Jerry B. Jenkins, and my sister's interview with the band Fireflight. Plus tons of reviews.
Check it out if you have a sec, and let me know what you think. :)
Jerry Jenkins,
website design,
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Mel Odom (Advice for Novelists, Part 65)

"If you could say one thing to aspiring novelists, what would you say?"
Multi-published author Mel Odom shares his insights today:
Write about the things you want to write about, not what you think will sell.
Most people are not going to get lucky enough to sell a book right off the bat. That means there’s gonna be a considerable amount of time invested in learning the craft. As a new writer, you can get frustrated trying to do what someone else does if it doesn’t come naturally. Don’t fight your natural inclinations in writing just to make it fit into what someone else is having success with. That person’s success is their own. You need to find yours. The only way to do that is to explore what appeals to you and spend time getting to know it well.
The time spent at the computer, legal pad, or whatever it is you write on, is a lonely time. No one else can share that with you. I know some writers jointly write projects, but each one of them writes his or her own piece alone. Make sure you don’t begrudge the time you spend learning your craft. The only way to do that is to write something you believe in and love.
--Mel Odom, author of the NCIS series (includes Paid In Blood, Blood Evidence & Blood Lines), plus many, many other novels. Visit him at his website.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Romancing Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson

It is August FIRST, time for the FIRST Blog Tour! (Join our alliance by clicking the button.) The FIRST day of every month we will feature an author and his/her latest book's FIRST chapter!
This week we're featuring: Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson!

These days, she's working on Quaker Summer, volunteering at Kentucky Refugee Ministries, raising children and trying to be supportive of a husband in seminary. (Trying . . . some days she's downright awful. It's a good thing he's such a fabulous cook!) She can tell you one thing, it's never dull around there.
Other Novels by Lisa:
Hollywood Nobody, Finding Hollywood Nobody, Straight Up, Club Sandwich, Songbird, Tiger Lillie, The Church Ladies, Women's Intuition: A Novel, Songbird, The Living End
Visit her at her website.
Monday, April 30, 6:00 a.m.
My eyes open. Yes, yes, yes. The greatest man in the entire world
is brewing coffee right here in the TrailMama.
“Morning, Scotty. The big day.”
“And this time, you won't have to drive.”
I throw back the covers on my loft bed and slip down to the dinette of our RV. My dad sleeps on the dinette bed. He's usually got it turned back into our kitchen table by 5:00 a.m. What can I say? The guy may be just as much in love with cheese as I am, but honestly? Our body clocks are about as different as Liam Neeson and Seth Green.
You know what I mean?
And we have lots of differences.
For one, he's totally a nonfiction person and I'm fiction all the way. For two, he has no fashion sense whatsoever. And for three, he has way more hope for people at the outset than I do. Man, do I have a lot to learn on that front.
He hands me a mug and I sip the dark liquid. I was roasting coffee beans for a while there, but Dad took the mantle upon himself and he does a better job.
Starbucks Schmarbucks.
He hands me another mug and I head to the back of the TrailMama to wake up Charley. My grandmother looks so sweet in the morning, her frosted, silver-blonde hair fanned out on the pillow. You know, she could pass for an aging mermaid. A really short one, true.
I wave the mug as close as I can to her nose without fear of her rearing up, knocking the mug and burning her face. “Charley . . .” I singsong. “Time to get a move on. Time to get back on the road.”
And boy is this a switch!
All I can say is, your life can be going one way for years and years and then, snap-snap-snap-in-a-Z, it looks like it had major plastic surgery.
Only in reverse. Imagine life just getting more and more real. I like it.
Charley opens her eyes. “Hey, baby. You brought me coffee. You get groovier every day.”
She's a hippie. What can I say?
And she started drinking coffee again when I ran away last fall in Texas. I mean, I didn't really run away. I went somewhere with a perfectly good reason for not telling anyone, and I was planning to return as soon as my mission was done.
She scootches up to a sitting position, hair still in a cloud, takes the mug and, with that dazzling smile still on her face (think Kate Hudson) sips the coffee. She sighs.
“I know,” I say. “How did we make it so long without him?”
“Now that he's with us, I don't know. But somehow we did, didn't we, baby? It may not have always been graceful and smooth, but we made it together.”
I rub her shoulder. “Yeah. I guess you could say we pretty much did.”
The engine hums its movin'-on song. “Dad's ready to pull out. Let's hit it.”
“Scotland, here we come.”
Scotland? Well, sort of.
An hour later
This has been a great school year. In addition to the online courses I'm taking through Indiana University High School, Dad's been teaching me and man, is he smart. I'm sure most sixteen-(almost seventeen)-year-olds think their fathers are the smartest guys in the world, but in my case it happens to be true.
Okay, even I have to admit he probably won't win the Nobel Prize for physics or anything, but he's street smart and there's no replacing that sort of thing. Big plus: he knows high school math. We're both living under the radar. And he's taken our faux last name. Dawn. He's now Ezra Fitzgerald Dawn. After Ezra Pound, one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Lost Generation friends.
I'm just lovin' that.
“Your mom would have loved the name change, Scotty.”
He told me about his life as an FBI agent, some of the cases he worked on, and well, I'd like to tell you he had a life like Sydney Bristow's in Alias, but he probably spent most of his time on com-puter work and sitting around on his butt waiting for someone to make a move. The FBI, apparently, prefers to trick people more than corner them in showdowns and shootouts. The Robertsman case was his first time undercover in the field and we know how terribly that worked out for him. And me. And Charley. And Babette, my mother.
I pull out my math book and sit in the passenger seat of the TrailMama. “Ready for some 'rithmetic, Dad?”
“You bet.” He turns to me and smiles. His smile still makes my heart warm up like a griddle ready to make smiley-face pan-cakes. I flip on my book light.
It's still dark and we're headed to Asheville, North Carolina for Charley's latest shoot. A film about Bonnie Prince Charlie called Charlie's Lament. How ironic is that? The director, Bartholomew (don't dare call him Bart) Evans, is a real jerk. I'm not going to be hanging around the set much even though Liam Neeson is Lord George Murray, the voice of reason Prince Charlie refused to listen to. But hey, that's my history lesson. We're still on math.
I finish up the last lesson in geometry . . . finally! Honestly, I still don't understand it without a mammoth amount of help, but the workbook's filled and that's a good thing.
I set down my pen. “Finished!”
Dad gives a nod as he continues to look out the windshield. You might guess, despite the tattoos, piercings, and his gleaming bald head, he's a very careful driver. And he won't let me drive like Charley did.
“So . . . driver's license then, right?”
He's been holding that over my head so I'd finish the math course.
“You know it. After the film, we'll request your new birth certificate and go from there.”
“What state are we supposedly from?” The FBI has given us a new identity, official papers and all that.
“Are you kidding me? Wyoming? Why?”
“Think about it, honey. Who's from Wyoming?”
“Lots of people?”
“Know any of them?”
“Uh. No.”
“Okay, Wyoming it is, then.”
“You realize you'll only have my beat-up old black truck to drive around.” The same truck we're towing behind the TrailMama.
“I'll take it.”
So here's the thing. The rest of the entire world thinks my father was shot in the chest and killed when he was outed by a branch of the mob he was after. This mob was financing James Robertsman's campaign for governor of Maryland.
The guy's running for president of the United States now.
I kid you not.
Wish I was kidding.
We thought he was after us for several years because Charley knew too much. But then last fall, we found out the guy chasing me was my father, and Robertsman is most likely cocky enough to think he took care of everything he needed. I say that's quite all right. Although, I have to admit, the fact that a dirtbag like that guy may end up in the Oval Office sickens me to no end.
Thanks to that guy, we had been running in fear from my own father.
The thing is, I could be really mad about all those wasted years, and a portion of me feels that way. But we've been given another chance, and I'll be darned if I throw away these days being angry. There's too much to be thankful for.
Don't get me wrong. I still have my surly days. I don't want Dad and Charley to think they have it as easy as all that!
Okay, time to blog.
Hollywood Nobody: April 30
Let's cut to the chase, Nobodies!
Today's Seth News: It's official. Seth Haas and Karissa Bonano are officially each other's exclusive main squeeze. The two were seen coming out of a popular LA tattoo parlor with each other's names on the inside of their forearms. How cliché. And pass the barf bag.
Today's Violette Dillinger Report: Violette has broken up with Joe Mason of Sweet Margaret. She wanted you all to know that long-distance romances are hard for any couple, but espe-cially for people as young as she is. “Joe needed to live his life. I'm on the road a lot. It wasn't fair to either of us.” Sounds like she's definitely not on the road to Britney. I'm just sayin'.
Today's Rave: Mandy Moore. The girl can really sing! And her latest album is filled with good songs. The bubble gum days of insipid teen heartbreak are over. She's finally come into her own. (Wish some others would follow her example, but I won't hold my breath. And man, are we on the theme of bratty stars today or what? Well, there are just so many of them from which to choose!)
Today's Rant: Crazy expensive celebrity weddings. What? If they spend more, will they be more likely to stay together? I have no idea. Mariah Carey's $25,000 dress pales in comparison to Catherine Zeta-Jones's $100,000 gown. What are those things made of?
Today's Quote: “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” James Dean
My eyes open. Yes, yes, yes. The greatest man in the entire world
is brewing coffee right here in the TrailMama.
“Morning, Scotty. The big day.”
“And this time, you won't have to drive.”
I throw back the covers on my loft bed and slip down to the dinette of our RV. My dad sleeps on the dinette bed. He's usually got it turned back into our kitchen table by 5:00 a.m. What can I say? The guy may be just as much in love with cheese as I am, but honestly? Our body clocks are about as different as Liam Neeson and Seth Green.
You know what I mean?
And we have lots of differences.
For one, he's totally a nonfiction person and I'm fiction all the way. For two, he has no fashion sense whatsoever. And for three, he has way more hope for people at the outset than I do. Man, do I have a lot to learn on that front.
He hands me a mug and I sip the dark liquid. I was roasting coffee beans for a while there, but Dad took the mantle upon himself and he does a better job.
Starbucks Schmarbucks.
He hands me another mug and I head to the back of the TrailMama to wake up Charley. My grandmother looks so sweet in the morning, her frosted, silver-blonde hair fanned out on the pillow. You know, she could pass for an aging mermaid. A really short one, true.
I wave the mug as close as I can to her nose without fear of her rearing up, knocking the mug and burning her face. “Charley . . .” I singsong. “Time to get a move on. Time to get back on the road.”
And boy is this a switch!
All I can say is, your life can be going one way for years and years and then, snap-snap-snap-in-a-Z, it looks like it had major plastic surgery.
Only in reverse. Imagine life just getting more and more real. I like it.
Charley opens her eyes. “Hey, baby. You brought me coffee. You get groovier every day.”
She's a hippie. What can I say?
And she started drinking coffee again when I ran away last fall in Texas. I mean, I didn't really run away. I went somewhere with a perfectly good reason for not telling anyone, and I was planning to return as soon as my mission was done.
She scootches up to a sitting position, hair still in a cloud, takes the mug and, with that dazzling smile still on her face (think Kate Hudson) sips the coffee. She sighs.
“I know,” I say. “How did we make it so long without him?”
“Now that he's with us, I don't know. But somehow we did, didn't we, baby? It may not have always been graceful and smooth, but we made it together.”
I rub her shoulder. “Yeah. I guess you could say we pretty much did.”
The engine hums its movin'-on song. “Dad's ready to pull out. Let's hit it.”
“Scotland, here we come.”
Scotland? Well, sort of.
An hour later
This has been a great school year. In addition to the online courses I'm taking through Indiana University High School, Dad's been teaching me and man, is he smart. I'm sure most sixteen-(almost seventeen)-year-olds think their fathers are the smartest guys in the world, but in my case it happens to be true.
Okay, even I have to admit he probably won't win the Nobel Prize for physics or anything, but he's street smart and there's no replacing that sort of thing. Big plus: he knows high school math. We're both living under the radar. And he's taken our faux last name. Dawn. He's now Ezra Fitzgerald Dawn. After Ezra Pound, one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Lost Generation friends.
I'm just lovin' that.
“Your mom would have loved the name change, Scotty.”
He told me about his life as an FBI agent, some of the cases he worked on, and well, I'd like to tell you he had a life like Sydney Bristow's in Alias, but he probably spent most of his time on com-puter work and sitting around on his butt waiting for someone to make a move. The FBI, apparently, prefers to trick people more than corner them in showdowns and shootouts. The Robertsman case was his first time undercover in the field and we know how terribly that worked out for him. And me. And Charley. And Babette, my mother.
I pull out my math book and sit in the passenger seat of the TrailMama. “Ready for some 'rithmetic, Dad?”
“You bet.” He turns to me and smiles. His smile still makes my heart warm up like a griddle ready to make smiley-face pan-cakes. I flip on my book light.
It's still dark and we're headed to Asheville, North Carolina for Charley's latest shoot. A film about Bonnie Prince Charlie called Charlie's Lament. How ironic is that? The director, Bartholomew (don't dare call him Bart) Evans, is a real jerk. I'm not going to be hanging around the set much even though Liam Neeson is Lord George Murray, the voice of reason Prince Charlie refused to listen to. But hey, that's my history lesson. We're still on math.
I finish up the last lesson in geometry . . . finally! Honestly, I still don't understand it without a mammoth amount of help, but the workbook's filled and that's a good thing.
I set down my pen. “Finished!”
Dad gives a nod as he continues to look out the windshield. You might guess, despite the tattoos, piercings, and his gleaming bald head, he's a very careful driver. And he won't let me drive like Charley did.
“So . . . driver's license then, right?”
He's been holding that over my head so I'd finish the math course.
“You know it. After the film, we'll request your new birth certificate and go from there.”
“What state are we supposedly from?” The FBI has given us a new identity, official papers and all that.
“Are you kidding me? Wyoming? Why?”
“Think about it, honey. Who's from Wyoming?”
“Lots of people?”
“Know any of them?”
“Uh. No.”
“Okay, Wyoming it is, then.”
“You realize you'll only have my beat-up old black truck to drive around.” The same truck we're towing behind the TrailMama.
“I'll take it.”
So here's the thing. The rest of the entire world thinks my father was shot in the chest and killed when he was outed by a branch of the mob he was after. This mob was financing James Robertsman's campaign for governor of Maryland.
The guy's running for president of the United States now.
I kid you not.
Wish I was kidding.
We thought he was after us for several years because Charley knew too much. But then last fall, we found out the guy chasing me was my father, and Robertsman is most likely cocky enough to think he took care of everything he needed. I say that's quite all right. Although, I have to admit, the fact that a dirtbag like that guy may end up in the Oval Office sickens me to no end.
Thanks to that guy, we had been running in fear from my own father.
The thing is, I could be really mad about all those wasted years, and a portion of me feels that way. But we've been given another chance, and I'll be darned if I throw away these days being angry. There's too much to be thankful for.
Don't get me wrong. I still have my surly days. I don't want Dad and Charley to think they have it as easy as all that!
Okay, time to blog.
Hollywood Nobody: April 30
Let's cut to the chase, Nobodies!
Today's Seth News: It's official. Seth Haas and Karissa Bonano are officially each other's exclusive main squeeze. The two were seen coming out of a popular LA tattoo parlor with each other's names on the inside of their forearms. How cliché. And pass the barf bag.
Today's Violette Dillinger Report: Violette has broken up with Joe Mason of Sweet Margaret. She wanted you all to know that long-distance romances are hard for any couple, but espe-cially for people as young as she is. “Joe needed to live his life. I'm on the road a lot. It wasn't fair to either of us.” Sounds like she's definitely not on the road to Britney. I'm just sayin'.
Today's Rave: Mandy Moore. The girl can really sing! And her latest album is filled with good songs. The bubble gum days of insipid teen heartbreak are over. She's finally come into her own. (Wish some others would follow her example, but I won't hold my breath. And man, are we on the theme of bratty stars today or what? Well, there are just so many of them from which to choose!)
Today's Rant: Crazy expensive celebrity weddings. What? If they spend more, will they be more likely to stay together? I have no idea. Mariah Carey's $25,000 dress pales in comparison to Catherine Zeta-Jones's $100,000 gown. What are those things made of?
Today's Quote: “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” James Dean
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