"If you could say one thing to aspiring novelists, what would you say?"
Christa A. Banister is up next:
Start writing now! There will always be a million distractions to keep you from working on your novel, and for some aspiring novelists, the task will always be relegated to a list of “Things You Plan To Do Before You Die.” But you don’t have to wait that long. Even if you only have a few minutes to dedicate each day or just a couple of Saturdays each month, you’ll still be making more progress than if you weren’t writing at all.
And once you actually start writing, it’s important not to focus on getting published. Instead, just concentrate on writing the best novel possible. Once you have a few great sample chapters going, you can focus on pitching it for publication then. In the meantime, just write, write, write.
--Christa A. Banister, author of Around the World in 80 Dates & Blessed Are the Meddlers. Visit her online at her website.
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